Legacy Planning Services Vancouver BC

Who we are

Medici Family Office

The Values Based Family Office

Medici Family Office is a privately-owned family office.   Medici serves as the gateway, or single point of contact, for your personal, family, wealth, and business affairs.

Our family office is focused on ‘getting things done’. With strong emphasis on building a long-lasting relationship with you, your family, and your business, we believe that regular communication is essential. You can rest assured that throughout our engagement, and beyond, Medici Family Office will maintain absolute confidentiality with respect to your private information.

Dr. Stephen Covey Best

Selling Author

"Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships."

Our Unique Process


Discovery: Identify and think about the problem

Our engagement begins with identifying your mission, vision, values, and goals. This is called the Discovery Phase! Our goal is to reveal and clarify any gaps between your desired destination and your current state.

Creative Options: Think about the solution

The second phase is the Creative Options Phase. In this phase we collaborate with you and your team to determine the best options available to quickly close the planning gaps that have been identified.

Strategy Deployment: Implement the solution

The third phase is the Strategy Deployment Phase. In this phase, you make the final decisions and we implement the solutions specifically designed to close any gaps to accomplish your desired outcomes.

Results Management: Governance

The final phase is the Results Management Phase. In this phase, the objective is to have a plan in place to manage and sustain your desired results while providing you with the confidence and peace of mind that your legacy plan will work over time.

Roy E Disney

Former Disney Executive

"When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier."

Medici Family Office's Core Values

Independent and Objective Advice

Because we have no proprietary products of our own to promote, we are free to put forward the most appropriate solutions for your desires.

Unlike many of our peers, which are tied to selling products or services from their institutions or firms, we are free to work with your existing team, professional advisers, insurance specialists, and investment managers. As a consequence, we can provide guidance and recommendations on wealth structuring, business succession, estate planning, risk management, legacy planning, and alternative investment strategies regardless of where your assets are located.

henry-ford-18 (1)

Henry Ford American Industrialist

"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success. "

Sharing is caring

Strong Family Values

Our logo, centred by the eternal Phoenix, stands for “significance, unity, and integrity.” 

We believe these core elements are necessary for sustaining a family dynasty over multiple generations, even as the nature of your family or business may change.

Being a family business ourselves, we understand the sensitivities that surround business families, family and business governance, wealth management, legacy planning, and succession planning.

We know the key issues that dynastic families need to address so we collaborate with you and your family. The key reason that we require everyone in your family to participate in our process is that we don’t plan at your heirs but we plan with your heirs.