Legacy Belief Six – Transform Your Unique Abilities Into Your Life Story
Who has lived well,
laughed often and loved much;
Who has gained the respect of intelligent people
and the love of children;
Who has filled his or her niche
and accomplished his or her task;
Who leaves the world better than he or she found it,
whether by improved poppy, a perfect poem,
or a rescued soul;
Who never lacked appreciation of earth’s beauty
or failed to express it.
Who looked for the best in others,
and gave the best he or she had.
- A superior ability that other people notice and value;
- You really love using an ability and you want to use it as much as possible;
- This ability energizes you and others around you;
- You continuously keep getting better at your ability and the possibilities for further improvement of that ability seems never-ending.
It is my core belief that the primary function of a family’s wealth is to support every family member’s unique abilities. This does not mean that wealth has to be shared equally among family members but it does mean that a family member’s unique abilities have greater value than financial wealth. So how can you integrate your family’s wealth to support unique abilities?

So here are your tasks for integrating family wealth to support and empower each family member’s unique abilities…
1) Go somewhere peaceful in the next week and think about what your unique abilities really are. Then over the next month, get input from your loved ones and people that you really trust on what they think you are really great at doing.
2) Have one on one meetings with every member of your family so that you can understand what their unique abilities truly are. If there is disagreement about a person’s unique abilities, then decide if the seeds of those unique abilities have 1) simply not be fanned by the individual or by the family OR 2) if the person you are talking with does not truly understand how great they are at something else.
Once you have consensus with each family member of their unique abilities, hold a family meeting to brainstorm how family wealth can help empower the unique abilities of each family member and what the expectations are for the family as a whole in benefiting from those unique abilities.
3) By integrating family wealth with each family member’s unique abilities, you and your family, along with financial wealth and any business, will be taking advantage of leveraged time. As a result, each generation should be able to take advantage of the full capacities of the family as a whole.
However, this integration is only possible if trust and communication are strong among family members. Therefore, hold a second family meeting (after the first one on unique abilities) to discuss governance issues within the family. This means that there should be structures in place for family members to talk safely about their concerns and issues, clear expectations on how financial wealth will be used and repaid, support systems in place for family crises or any failures that a family member may encounter on their life journey, and an agreed upon mediation process in the event of family disagreements. By aligning everyone’s unique abilities with a common mission for the greater good of the family, or some larger greater cause, the foundation for seven generation thinking will have been created to move the individual and the family from success to significance.